As a poker player, you must respect the dealer’s role. You cannot dictate the outcome of the hand, so arguing with the dealer will not help you. Also, dealers do make mistakes from time to time. If you find a mistake in the dealer’s dealing, politely explain it to him and ask him to fix it. If you cannot correct it, call the floorman for help. Listed below are some other important rules of poker.
A pot is the common holding in the game of poker. It is a communal pool of money in which all poker players put their chips. When someone ante up, that money goes into the pot. The highest hand in the pot wins the pot. In poker, betting occurs clockwise, and the game continues until all players have called or folded. The higher the hand, the more money you win! However, in some games, players may be required to place an ante in the pot before they can bet.
The blinds are required to start the game. In some games, the player to the left of the dealer must post a blind or a large blind. This blind, or force bet, gives the player something to chase after during the game. Otherwise, players would be more likely to fold their hands or even go all-in on Aces. However, you must not hide your hand from your opponent. This is bad poker etiquette.